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Blog. After Man Boob Surgery, Big and Little Changes

After you recover from gynecomastia surgery, will you experience big changes in your life? Little ones?

Among our man boob patients, we’ve found that the life changes they notice range across a huge spectrum. It depends on so many things—their age, their activities and their overall confidence in life being among the leading factors.

Small Sources of Satisfaction

Many guys tell us what they most long for when they’re in our man boob consultation room. They look forward to:

  • Hitting the gym and shaping up, without pointed looks and comments
  • Being able to bare their chest at the pool or the beach
  • Wearing whatever clothing they want, and only one light layer
  • Experiencing intimacy with a partner with the light on
  • Enjoying summer weather and activities for the first time in a while

Other small joys guys talk about include hugging others without stiffening up and being able to look in the mirror without a sense of dread.

We got a kick out of what one member of had to say about a small pleasure:

The things I enjoy are the little things that people who never have the condition probably wouldn’t understand. I was changing after working out and my wife asked me to check on something outside. I went out with my shirt off—which is something I would’ve never dreamt of doing before the surgery.

Even though this man said his condition did not stop him from having a successful career and enjoying his life, “it still feels really good to have it gone.”

Big, Sometimes Surprising Changes

We have learned so much from our patients over the years, and occasionally we’re surprised by some of the benefits of surgery they tell us about as they come in for follow up appointments. We didn’t expect so many patients to talk about improved posture, for instance. After we heard often about this aspect of their new life, we wrote an article to help guys along the way to straightening up.

A couple of other somewhat surprising benefits that have come up are:

  • Improved listening skills. One man said he had quite a bit of trouble paying attention to others before surgery because he would often think about his moobs during meetings or in conversations.
  • Empowerment. A big benefit one guy talked about was no longer feeling hopeless. He said gynecomastia is a perfect example of “how when life presents you with a challenge, you just overcome it and keep moving forward.”

Still another patient said “I am actually quite proud of myself for taking action and getting something sorted out that had caused me trouble for so long.”

One benefit of male breast reduction we’d like to mention is anxiety reduction. Most patients we meet in South Florida have anxiety about man boobs, at least to some extent, and are aware of the impact on their confidence and social lives. What many don’t consider is the possible impact on their physical health as well.

Most guys seem to enjoy a variety of benefits of male breast reduction—big ones and small ones too. We never get tired of hearing about the impact of gynecomastia surgery, and we know firsthand the relief our patients feel as they heal from their procedure and see masculine contours emerge. This is one of the leading reasons we chose to specialize in male breast reduction surgery more than thirty years ago—it has the power to change lives.

Contact us if we can help you. It would be our pleasure!


Dr. Elliot William Jacobs is a board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon who specializes in FTM top surgery, gynecomastia surgery, revision gynecomastia surgery and male breast reduction. He is a native of New York and has over 40 years of experience in his field. Dr. Jacobs is a highly respected and sought-after surgeon who is known for his skill, experience, and compassion. Whether you are interested in gynecomastia for the first time, or are looking to correct a gynecomastia you aren’t happy with, Dr. Jacobs can deliver amazing results.


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